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At some point in our busy lives, most of us have encountered stress and anxiety in one form or another!


Being passionate about holistic therapies and helping peple find happiness, love and peace, I have been through a journey of discovery & development and found REIKI in an unexpected way hence came the name Serendipity!! I believe everything hapenes for a reason and at the right time. After practicing Reiki for a year, I have invested in myself and learned couple of other therpies to advance my knowledge and skills. Now, I use various modalities and techniques to help clients achieve what they aim.


Reiki, meaning universal life energy, is an ancient Japanese healing therapy which works on the mental, emotional and physical, and is extremely beneficial for stress relief and relaxation. It can be combined with the use of crystals to unblock chakras if needed.

Use Reiki to bring yourself into balance and trust. The more balanced you become, the more serendipity will turn up in your life.


Black Pearl Treatment, is a wonderful gentle method for neuro-vascular recalibration. This hands-on body modality makes use of massage-like techniques while bringing attention to specific meridian energy points. Having a direct influence on the amygdala and our emotions, the technique allows the body, mind and spirit to succumb to a calm, peaceful balanced state creating a sacred space for balance and healing to begin.


Hyonotherapy, it is not what you think! you will not be hypnotized to do things out of your control. Hypnotherapy means to create and utilize trance states through numerous methods to connect with the unconscious mind to cause rapid, positive change in many areas, including fears, behavioural problems, pain management, will be totally relaxed but not sleeping!

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